- ggmcmc::radonSimulations of the parameters of a hierarchical model
- ggmcmc::sSimulations of the parameters of a simple linear regression with fake data.
- ggmcmc::sSimulations of the parameters of a simple linear regression with fake data.
- ggmcmc::s.binarySimulations of the parameters of a simple linear regression with fake data.
- ggmcmc::s.binarySimulations of the parameters of a simple linear regression with fake data.
- ggmcmc::s.y.repSimulations of the posterior predictive distribution of a simple linear regression with fake data.
- ggmcmc::s.y.repSimulations of the posterior predictive distribution of a simple linear regression with fake data.
- ggmcmc::yValues for the observed outcome of a simple linear regression with fake data.
- ggmcmc::yValues for the observed outcome of a simple linear regression with fake data.
- ggmcmc::y.binaryValues for the observed outcome of a binary logistic regression with fake data.
- ggmcmc::y.binaryValues for the observed outcome of a binary logistic regression with fake data.
- PolicyPortfolios::P.educationSimulated policy portfolio with fake data for the education sector.
- PolicyPortfolios::P.energySimulated policy portfolio with fake data for the energy sector.
- PolicyPortfolios::consensusPolicy portfolios for the dataset of the CONSENSUS research project.
- PolicyPortfolios::consensus.instrumentsMeta-data on Instruments for the dataset of the CONSENSUS research project.
- PolicyPortfolios::consensus.targetsMeta-data on Targets for the dataset of the CONSENSUS research project.